| 312.593.4293



Critical Mass | Creative Director 4/15-present

Clients: ExxonMobil, ASICS, Nissan, Desitin, Lactaid, Neutrogena, IBM


·       Led the creative team that brought ExxonMobil to Facebook

·       Won the Shorty Award–Gamification for ASICS Instagram Story

·       Named Winner Overall, Best Use of Social Media by PR Daily for the Nissan Altima Chase digital & social activation


Edelman Digital | VP Creative Director 1/12-3/15 

Clients: ConAgra, Kraft, Nutro, AAIPharma, Kellogg’s


·       Led the creative team for Slim Jim social media which was awarded the Gold Wommy for Social Media and the Golden Trumpet from the Publicity Club of Chicago


Freelance CD Copywriter 1/02-3/15 

Agencies: Havas (formerly Euro RSCG), JWT, Burrell, Merkle)

Clients: Sears, Sprint, Effen, AARP, Citibank, Oscar Meyer, Verizon


·       Tempo Award winner for Sprint

·       Led the creative team on the Shop Your Way Rewards Billion Points integrated promotion (microsite, videos, emails, banner ads and POS) which received 44,000 user-generated videos submitted and membership in the loyalty program reached 25,000,000 during this period


Leo Burnett | Copy Supervisor 7/98-11/01

Clients: McDonald’s, Kellogg’s, Oldsmobile, Delta Airlines, Keebler


·       Wrote the Oldsmobile print ads from their first women-targeted SUV campaign. Those ads went on to make an appearance in the film What Women Want as work done by Helen Hunt’s character

·       Wrote the Ronald McDonald Holiday Spot which ran for seven years and was a Golden Marble finalist


Mad Dogs & Englishmen | Copy Intern 1/97-4/97

Clients: Nickelodeon, Nick at Nite


·       Wrote the print campaign for the Odd Couple on Ice Marathon




Alliance Française

Studying French. It is ongoing.


Creative Circus 1998

Focus on Copywriting


University of Florida

BS Advertising, Focus on Anthropology